HK version of kicks online
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Why this version of kicks? FAQ

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Why this version of kicks? FAQ Empty Why this version of kicks? FAQ

Post  Admin Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:00 pm

Q:Why this version of kicks?

A:That version of kicks is the only one with have all items,club system,club time and many other things what old GT has

Q:Old GT?What is that?
A:GT (GameTribe) was an european version of kicks online since 2006-2010 untill it fall down.Many players just quit other one ( about 15-20% ) of community from GT swaps to Mexican Version of Kicks Online.

Q:Why You and other players leave that version then and starts here?

A:Because Mexican Version is like beta version of GT,There is no clubs,no CT,Tournaments only on forum.Clubs too.But it was better than nothing for people who loves kicks,thats the reason why they choose MX.And about cash( you can buy perma skills,clothes,xp helper and many other) was ofc at same price as on GT maybe 10% less.But big + of Hong Kong server is a price of cash.

Q:Cash?Can I buy somehow,what is the price and how to do this?

A:Yes You can buy a cash,dont try it yet but I seen that option.
For example 800credits cost you only 1,50£. Now compare it to MX version where you have to pay 15£ for 1500 credits.Feeling deference? I will wrote how to buy credits soon on forum.

Q:I wont have lag?Its Asia at last.

A:No,you wont have a lag.Game is p2p what means player who have biggest upload speed connection take a 'host' and hosting a game.Its depends from 'host' nationality.When we will get full room 4v4 and all players will be european,you shouldnt get lag.Usually its about 0,3-0,5 to 1-1,5sec of delay.You can even get 0 lag that means you are hosting now.

Q:Ok I create account , download client Im able to play.How can I find european players when are ppl are almost asians

A:Go to server 1-60 and look for room called EUROPEAN INVASION , or EU PLAYERS.When you enter the room and you will see a european nicknames you are welcome:)

Q:there is no one to play can I get exp playing alone vs gk?

A:strange but yes you will get always 50 xp for that.You need to play full 5 min and score at last 3 goals until limits.Same 1v1 2v2.You wont get a exp 2v1 3v2 etc

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-08-22
Age : 34
Location : UK

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